(por paises/by countries)
(por familias/by families)
sensu Bouchard et all., 2011
Juan Enrique Barriga - Tuñón
sitio inagurado 13 noviembre 2009
Lawrence Kirkendall
Subfamilia Scolytinae Latreille, 1804
Tribu Cryphalini Lindemann, 1877
Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood, 1936:34.
Hypothenemus eruditus Westwood, 1936:34; Cryphalus aspericollis Wollaston, 1860:365; Bostrichus boieldieui Perroud, 1864:188; Cryphalus obscurus Ferrari, 1867:17; Stephanoderes germari Eichhoff, 1878:159; Stephanoderes myrmedon Eichhoff, 1878:160; Stephanoderes ehlersi Eichhoff, 1878:493; Stephanoderes communis Schaufuss, 1891:11; Hypothenemus insularis Perkins, 1900:181; Cryphalus tectonae Stebbing, 1903:263; Cryphalus striatopunctatus Lea, 1910:142; Cryphalus tantillus Lea, 1910:142; Cryphalus basjoo Niisima, 1910:9; Hypothenemus tuberculosus Hagedorn, 1912:339; Cosmoderes schwarzi Hopkins, 1915:11; Hypothenemus bradfordi Hopkins, 1915:15; Hypothenemus flavosquamosus Hopkins, 1915:15; Hypothenemus asiminae Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus hamamelidis Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus myristicae Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus nigricollis Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus pruni Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus rumseyi Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus tenuis Hopkins, 1915:16; Hypothenemus koebelei Hopkins, 1915:17; Hypothenemus lineatifrons Hopkins, 1915:17; Hypothenemus mali Hopkins, 1915:17; Hypothenemus parvus Hopkins, 1915:17; Hypothenemus sacchari Hopkins, 1915:17; Hypothenemus webbi Hopkins, 1915:17; Hypothenemus flavipes Hopkins, 1915:18; Hypothenemus punctifrons Hopkins, 1915:18; Hypothenemus nigripennis Hopkins, 1915:19; Hypothenemus ferrugineus Hopkins, 1915:20; Hypothenemus heathi Hopkins, 1915:20; Hypothenemus punctipennis Hopkins, 1915:20; Stephanoderes flavicollis Hopkins, 1915:24; Stephanoderes pygmaeus Hopkins, 1915:24; Stephanoderes elongatus Hopkins, 1915:25; Stephanoderes subconcentralis Hopkins, 1915:25; Stephanoderes unicolor Hopkins, 1915:25; Stephanoderes evonymi Hopkins, 1915:26; Hypothenemus bicolor Eggers, 1919:241; Hypothenemus ehlersi rotroui Peyerimhoff, 1919:255; Hypothenemus juglandis Blackman, 1922:88; Hypothenemus pusillus Eggers, 1927:173; Stephanoderes intersetosus Eggers, 1928:85; Stephanoderes gracilis Eggers, 1929:51; Hypothenemus lezjavai Pjatnitskii, 1929:15; Hypothenemus citri Ebeling, 1935:21; Stephanoderes erythrinae Eggers, 1936:628; Hypothenemus bicolor Schedl, 1939:32; Hypothenemus argentinensis Schedl, 1939:408; Hypothenemus cylindricus Schedl, 1939:409; Hypothenemus asaroriensis Beeson, 1940:195; Hypothenemus dubiosus Schedl, 1940:207; Stephanoderes subcylindricus Eggers, 1940:233; Hypothenemus mauiensis Schedl, 1941:110; Hypothenemus glabratus Schedl, 1942:175; Archeophalus ealaensis Eggers, 1944:94; Stephanoderes nanulus Schedl, 1948:263; Hypothenemus parilis Schedl, 1951:100; Hypothenemus hirtipennis Schedl, 1952:450; Hypothenemus longipilus Schedl, 1952:45; Hypothenemus obscuripes Schedl, 1952:449; Stephanoderes tigrensis Schedl, 1952:452; Hypothenemus glabratellus Schedl, 1953:292; Hypothenemus parcius Schedl, 1957:49; Hypothenemus cylindripennis Schedl, 1957:51; Hypothenemus vianai Schedl, 1958:42; Hypothenemus mesoleius Schedl, 1959:480; Hypothenemus minutulus Schedl, 1972:225; Cryphalus minutus Schedl, 1978:299.
Distribución geográfica: Todas las áreas tropicales y subtropicales incluyendo todos los paises Centro y Sudamericanos
Planta hospedera: Cientos de hospederos han sido citados incluyendo cuerpos frutales de hongos, brotes frutos y semillas. Atacan cubiertas de libros (serie tipo original)
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Página creada: 10 mayo 2013 18:02
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Blackwelder, R.E., 1947. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of México, Central America, The West Indies, and South America. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, 185 (5):765-921

Bouchard, Patrice; Yves Bousquet; Anthony E. Davies; Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga; John F. Lawrence; Chris H. C. Lyal; Alfred F. Newton; Chris A. M. Reid; Michael Schmitt; S. Adam Ślipiński; Andrew B. T. Smith. 2011. Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta).ZooKeys 88: 1–972 (april, 2011)

Elgueta, M. y Marvaldi, A.E. 2006. Lista sistemática de las especies de Curculionoidea (Insecta: Coleoptera) presentes en Chile, con su sinonímia. Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile, 55: 113-153 (2006)

Kuschel, G.; Leschen, R.A.B.; Zimmerman, E.C. 2000: Platypodidae under scrutiny. Invertebrate taxonomy, 14: 771-805.

Latreille, P.A. 1802: Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière, des Crustacés et des Insectes. Ouvrage faisant suite aux Oeuvres de Leclercq de Buffon, et partie du Cours complet d'Histoire naturelle rédigé par C. S. Sonnini, membre de plusieurs Sociétés Savantes. Dufart. Paris: xii + 467 pp. + 1 [unn., Errata].

Lawrence, J. F. and A. F. Newton, Jr. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). pp. 779-1006 in: J. Pakaluk and S.A. Slipinski (eds.): Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Museum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa.

Wood, S. L., & D. E. Bright, Jr. 1987. A catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 1: Bibliography. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 11. 686 p.

Wood, S. L., & D. E. Bright, Jr. 1992. A catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 2: Taxonomic index. Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 13, vols. A and B. 1553 p.

Wood, S. 2007. Bark and ambrosia beetles of South America (Coleoptera, Scolytidae). Stephen L. and Elizabeth G. Wood Endowment Fund, Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum Brigham Young University Provo, Utah. 900 p.

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