(por paises/by countries)

(por familias/by families)

sensu Bouchard et all., 2011
Juan Enrique Barriga - Tuñón
sitio inagurado 13 noviembre 2009
Larry Bezark LarryBezark@netscape.com www.A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World  

Cerambycinae: Elaphidiini

especies presentes en Bolivia de la familia Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae
(Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae species from Bolivia)

según: Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark 2012; Wappes, Lingafelter & Perger. 2011;
Wappes, J. E.; Morris II, R. F.; Nearns, E. H. & Thomas, M. C. 2007

Imágenes: Larry Bezark:
A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World

Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802: 211
Tribu Elaphidiini Thomson, 1864:235
Mephritus quadrimaculatus
Stizocera juati

Aetheibidion hirtellum (Gounelle) 1913 (SC)
Ambonus albomaculatus (Burmeister) 1865 (SC)
Ambonus distinctus (Newman) 1840 (BN, LP, SC)
Ambonus electus (Gahan in Gahan & Arrow) 1903 (SC)
Ambonus interrogationis (Blanchard in Orbigny) 1847 (BN, SC)
Ambonus lippus (Germar) 1824 (SC)
Amethysphaerion nigripes Martins & Monné 1975 (SC)
Amorupi hudepohli (Martins) 1974 (SC)
Anelaphus cerussatus (Newman) 1841 (SC)
Anelaphus souzai (Zajciw) 1964 (SC)
Aposphaerion nigritum Galileo & Martins 2010 (SC)
Aposphaerion punctulatum Martins & Napp 1992 (SC)
Aposphaerion unicolor (White) 1855 (SC)
Appula aliena Martins 1981 (SC)
Appula argenteoapicalis Fuchs 1961: 8 (BN, CO, LP, SC)
Appula diamantinensis Franceschini 2002 (SC)
Appula melancholica Gounelle 1909 (CO, SC)
Appula nigripes Bates 1870 (LP, SC)
Atharsus nigricauda Bates 1867 (SC)
Centrocerum elegans Chevrolat 1861 (SC)
Cotyperiboeum antennarium Galileo & Martins 2010 (SC)
Curtomerus lingafelteri Galileo & Martins 2011 (SC)
Curtomerus purus Martins 1974 (SC)
Etymosphaerion unicolor Martins & Monné 1975 (SC)
Eurysthea hirca (Berg) 1889 (SC)
Eurysthea magnifica Martins 1985
Eurysthea martinsi (Fonseca-Gessner) 1990 (CO)
Eurysthea nicolai (Aurivillius) 1908 (BN, SC)
Eurysthea sordida (Erichson) 1847 (SC)
Eurysthea subandina (Fonseca-Gessner) 1990
Ironeus pulcher Bates 1880 (SC)
Iuaca nigromaculata Galileo & Martins 2000 (SC)
Lanephus njumanii (Haldeman) 1847 (SC)
Mallocera amazonica Bates 1870: 278 (PN, SC)
Mallocera ramosa Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Mallocera umbrosa Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Mephritus blandus (Newman) 1841 (LP, SC)
Mephritus quadrimaculatus Martins & Napp 1992 (SC)
Micropsyrassa meridionalis Martins 1974 (SC)
Minipsyrassa bicolor Martins 1974 (LP, SC)
Nephalius spiniger (Blanchard in Orbigny) 1847 (SC, TR)
Nyssicostylus paraba Martins 2005 (SC)
Nyssicus contaminatus Martins 2005 (CO)
Nyssicus rosalesi Joly & Martinez 1981
Pantonyssus bitinctus Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Pantonyssus nigriceps Bates 1870 (SC)
Paranyssicus conspicillatus (Erichson) 1847
Periboeum aduncum Napp & Martins 1984 (SC)
Periboeum bolivianum Martins & Monné 1975 (SC)
Periboeum obscuricorne Martins & Monné 1975 (LP, SC)
Periboeum ocellatum Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Periboeum paucispinum (Lameere) 1890 (SC)
Periboeum piliferum (Erichson) 1847 (SC)
Periboeum pubescens (Olivier) 1790
Periboeum spinosum Galileo & Martins 2010 (SC)
Periboeum terminatum (Perroud) 1855 (LP)
Periboeum umbrosum Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Piezophidion intricatum Galileo & Martins 1992 (SC)
Piezophidion punctatum Martins 2005 (SC)
Protomallocera hilairei (Gounelle) 1909 (SC)
Protosphaerion pictum Martins 2005 (SC)
Protosphaerion punctatum Martins 2005 (SC)
Protosphaerion signatipenne Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Protosphaerion variabile Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Rhomboidederes iuba Galileo & Martins 2010 (SC)
Rhomboidederes minutus Napp & Martins 1984 (SC)
Sphaerion cyanipenne Audinet-Serville 1834 (SC)
Sphaerion inerme White 1853 (BN, SC)
Sphaerion lentiginosum Berg 1889 (SC)
Sphaerion sladeni Gahan in Gahan & Arrow 1903 (SC)
Stizocera armata Audinet-Serville 1834 (SC)
Stizocera boyi Melzer 1927
Stizocera consobrina Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Stizocera delicata Lingafelter 2004 (SC)
Stizocera fragilis (Bates) 1870 (SC)
Stizocera ichilo Lingafelter 2004 (SC)
Stizocera lissonota (Bates) 1870 (BN, SC)
Stizocera juati Martins & Napp 1983 (SC)
Stizocera meinerti (Aurivillius) 1900 (SC)
Stizocera plicicollis (Germar) 1824 (SC)
Stizocera plumbea Gounelle 1909 (SC)
Stizocera poeyi (Guérin-Méneville) 1838 (SC)
Stizocera sublaevigata Zajciw 1962 (SC)
Stizocera tristis (Guérin-Méneville) 1844 (SC)
Terpnissa listropterina Bates 1867 (BN, LP, SC)

Página creada: 18 septiembre 2012 20:45
Página modificada: 30-08-2020 18:29


Bezark, Larry. A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World. http://plant.cdfa.ca.gov/byciddb/default_wImage.asp

Blackwelder, R.E., 1946; Checklist of the coleopterous insects of México, Central America, The West Indies, and South America. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, 185 (4):551-627

Bouchard, Patrice; Yves Bousquet; Anthony E. Davies; Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga; John F. Lawrence; Chris H. C. Lyal; Alfred F. Newton; Chris A. M. Reid; Michael Schmitt; S. Adam Ślipiński; Andrew B. T. Smith. 2011. Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta).ZooKeys 88: 1–972 (april, 2011)

Lawrence, J. F. and A. F. Newton, Jr. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). pp. 779-1006 in: J. Pakaluk and S.A. Slipinski (eds.): Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Museum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa.

Leschen, R. A. B.; Beutel, R. G. and Lawrence, J. F. (Editors); Slipinski, A. (Associate editor). 2009. Handbook of zoology. Coleoptera, Beetles, vol. 2: Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim).

Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark, Compilers. 2012. Checklist of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (updated through 31 December 2011) (2.0 MB pdf)

Wappes, J. E.; Morris II, R. F.; Nearns, E. H. & Thomas, M. C. 2007. Preliminary Checklist of Bolivian Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) - II (June, 2007 Revision). Online version 2007

Wappes, J. E.; Steven W. Lingafelter, and Robert Perger. 2011. Additions and deletions to the known Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) of Bolivia. Insecta Mundi 0150: 1-8

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