(por paises/by countries)

(por familias/by families)

sensu Bouchard et all., 2011
Juan Enrique Barriga - Tuñón


especies presentes en México de la familia Scarabaeidae
(Scarabaeidae species from México)

adaptado de: Baena, M. L., F. Pezzani y G. Halffter, 2008; CONABIO. 2008.
Superfamilia Scarabaeoidea de MÉXICO
† Coprinisphaeridae
† Pallichnidae
Scarabaeidae de MÉXICO
† Cretoscarabaeinae
† Lithoscarabaeinae
† Prototroginae

Acoma cazieri Saylor, 1948
Acoma confusas Van Dyke, 1928
Acoma dilemmas Saylor, 1948
Acoma evansi Howden, 1962
Acoma gibsoni Howden, 1962
Acoma glabratas Cazier, 1953
Acoma granulifrons Howden, 1958
Acoma incognitas Howden, 1958
Acoma leechi Cazier, 1953
Acoma martini Howden, 1962
Acoma mimicas Howden, 1962
Acoma minutas Cazier, 1953
Acoma ochleras Howden, 1958
Acoma parvas Howden, 1958
Acoma robustas Van Dyke, 1928
Acoma rossi Saylor, 1948
Acoma seticollis Howden, 1958
Acoma sexfoliatas Saylor, 1948
Acoma stathami Cazier, 1953
Howdenocarus mexicanus Hardy, 1978

Tribu Chasmatopterini Lacordaire, 1856

Chaunocolus cornutus Saylor, 1937
Chnaunanthus discolor Burmeister, 1844
Nefoncerus convergens Horn, 1894

Tribu Diplotaxini Kirby, 1837

Diplotaxis abnormis Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis academia Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis aenea Blanchard, 1850
Diplotaxis aereomicans Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis alphamartinezi Delgado, 1990
Diplotaxis ambigua Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis amecameca Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis angularis LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis angustula Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis anneae McCleve, 1993
Diplotaxis anthracina Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis arctifrons Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis arizonica Schaeffer, 1907
Diplotaxis assimilis Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis atramentaria Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis atratula LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis aulacochela Cazier, 1940
Diplotaxis australis Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis bakeri Cazier, 1940
Diplotaxis barbarae Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis belfragei Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis beyeri Schaeffer, 1907
Diplotaxis bicolor Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis bifida Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis boops Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis bowditchi Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis brachyptera Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis brevicollis LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis brevicornis Cazier, 1940
Diplotaxis brevidens LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis caelestis Delgado & Capistrán, 1993
Diplotaxis carbonata LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis carinata Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis carinifrons Bates, 1889
Diplotaxis catarinas Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis cavifrons Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis chiricahuae Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis circulans Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis clypeata Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis commixta Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis completa Cazier, 1940
Diplotaxis concava Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis confusa Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis consentanea Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis contracta Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis convexilabrum Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis corbula Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis coriacea Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis corrosa Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis corvina LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis costanera Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis cribatella Bates, 1889
Diplotaxis cribaticollis Blanchard, 1850
Diplotaxis cribriceps Bates, 1889
Diplotaxis cribulosa LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis cribulosa subsp. sinaloa Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis crinigera Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis crucis Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis curvaticeps Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis decima Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis denigrata Bates, 1889
Diplotaxis dentella Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis denticeps Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis dissona Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis durango Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis elongata Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis exstans Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis femoralis Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis fimbriata Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis fissilabris Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis fissilis Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis flexa Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis fossifrons Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis fossipalpa Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis geos McCleve, 1993
Diplotaxis glabrimargo Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis hallei Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis haydenii LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis hebes Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis hirsuta Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis hirtipes Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis icarus McCleve, 1993
Diplotaxis iguala Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis illustris Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis impar Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis incisa Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis indigena Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis ingenua Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis jacala Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis jardeli Delgado & Rivera, 1992
Diplotaxis juquilensis Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis knausii Schaeffer, 1907
Diplotaxis kuschei Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis laevivertex Bates, 1889
Diplotaxis latispina Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis levicosta Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis macrotarsus Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis magna Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis marginicollis Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis marina Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis martinezi Delgado & Capistrán, 1993
Diplotaxis mascula Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis maura Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis maya Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis mediafusca Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis megapleura Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis mentalis Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis metallescens Bates, 1888
Diplotaxis mexcala Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis microchele Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis microtrichia Moser, 1921
Diplotaxis mima Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis mimosae Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis misella Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis missionaria Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis mistura Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis moerens LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis moerens subsp. moerens LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis moerens subsp. peninsularis Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis muricata Schaeffer, 1907
Diplotaxis mus Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis nigriventris Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis obregon Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis ohausi Moser, 1921
Diplotaxis pacata LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis pala Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis parpolita Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis parvicollis Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis parvula Burmeister, 1855
Diplotaxis patyvaurieae Delgado, 1990
Diplotaxis persisae Cazier, 1940
Diplotaxis pilifera Burmeister, 1855
Diplotaxis pilipennis Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis planidens Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis planides Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis polita Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis poropyge Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis profunda Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis puberea Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis pubipes Schaeffer, 1907
Diplotaxis punctata LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis puncticeps Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis puncticollis Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis punctulata Horn, 1894
Diplotaxis pygidialis Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis rita Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis roberti Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis rockefelleri Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis rosae Vaurie & Cazier, 1955
Diplotaxis rufiola Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis rufipes Moser, 1921
Diplotaxis rugosifrons Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis saltensis Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis selanderi Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis simillima Moser, 1921
Diplotaxis simplex Blanchard, 1850
Diplotaxis sinuans Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis sonora Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis sparsa Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis spina Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis squamisetis Delgado & Capistrán, 1992
Diplotaxis statura Cazier, 1940
Diplotaxis subangulata LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis subrugata Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis sulcatula Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis superflua Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis tarascana Vaurie, 1958
Diplotaxis tarsalis Schaeffer, 1907
Diplotaxis tehuana Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis tepicana Moser, 1918
Diplotaxis thoracica Fall, 1909
Diplotaxis trapezifera Bates, 1887
Diplotaxis truncatula LeConte, 1856
Diplotaxis tumida Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis turgidula Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis tzitzio Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis veracruzana Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis xalapensis Delgado & Capistrán, 1992
Diplotaxis yucateca Vaurie, 1960
Diplotaxis zapoteca Vaurie, 1958
Liogenys pubisternis (Bates, 1888)

Tribu Hopliini Latreille, 1829
Subtribu Hopliina Latreille, 1829

Hoplia albisparsas Bates, 1887
Hoplia asperulas Bates, 1887
Hoplia callipyge LeConte, 1856
Hoplia cinereonebulosas Nonfried, 1895
Hoplia cretaceas Bates, 1887
Hoplia festivas Burmeister, 1844
Hoplia inops Bates, 1887
Hoplia jalapanas Moser, 1918
Hoplia lineatas Moser, 1921
Hoplia luridas Moser, 1918
Hoplia mexicanas Gemminger & Harold, 1869; (= Hoplia irroratas Burmeister, 1855)
Hoplia squamiferas Burmeister, 1844
Hoplia teapensis Bates, 1887

Tribu Macrodactylini Kirby, 1837
Subtribu "Ceraspina Lacordaire, 1856"

Ceraspis centralis Sharp, 1877
Ceraspis jaliscoensis (Delgado & Navarrete - Heredia, 2004)
Ceraspis mexicana Harold, 1863
Ceraspis oaxacaensis (Delgado, 2001)
Ceraspis pilatei Harold, 1863
Ceraspis velutina Bates, 1887

Subtribu " Macrodactylina Lacordaire, 1856"

Coenonycha acuta Cazier, 1943
Coenonycha rotundata LeConte, 1856
Coenonycha rufobrunnea Howden, 1969
Coenonycha socialis Horn, 1876
Dichelonyx picea Horn, 1894
Dichelonyx pusilla LeConte, 1856
Isonychus arizonensis Howden, 1959
Isonychus aurantiacus Burmeister, 1855
Isonychus limbatus Burmeister, 1855
Isonychus neglectus Moser, 1918
Isonychus ocellatus Burmeister, 1855
Isonychus piperitus Bates, 1887
Isonychus striatipennis Moser, 1918
Isonychus tomentosus Burmeister, 1855
Isonychus vittatus Burmeister, 1855
Macrodactylus batesi Arce & Morón, 2000
Macrodactylus carrilloi Arce & Morón, 2000
Macrodactylus championi Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus dimidiatus Guérin, 1844; (= Macrodactylus semicoeruleus Burmeister, 1855)
Macrodactylus fulvescens Bates, 1887; (= Macrodactylus angustatus Latreille, 1811; Macrodactylus nigritarsis Bates, 1887; Macrodactylus rhomboderus Bates, 1887)
Macrodactylus impressus Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus infuscatus Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus lineaticollis Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus lineatus Chevrolat, 1834
Macrodactylus longicollis Latreille, 1813
Macrodactylus manantlecus Arce & Morón, 2000
Macrodactylus mexicanus Burmeister, 1855
Macrodactylus montanus Arce & Morón, 2000
Macrodactylus murinus Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus nigripes Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus ocreatus Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus pokornyanus Arce & Morón, 2000
Macrodactylus rufescens Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus silaonus Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus submarginatus Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus surianus Arce & Morón, 2000
Macrodactylus uniformis Horn, 1876
Macrodactylus variipes Bates, 1887
Macrodactylus virens Bates, 1887

Tribu Melolonthini Leach, 1819
Subtribu Melolonthina Leach, 1819

Parathyce fieldi Fall, 1908
Polyphylla cavifrons LeConte, 1854
Polyphylla crinita LeConte, 1856
Polyphylla decemlineata Say, 1824
Polyphylla diffracta Casey, 1891
Polyphylla hammondi LeConte, 1856
Polyphylla monahansensis Hardy & Andrews, 1978
Polyphylla multimaculata Hardy, 1981
Polyphylla nigra Casey, 1914
Polyphylla petiti Guérin, 1830
Polyphylla rugosipennis Casey, 1914
Polyphylla squamiventris Cazier, 1939
Thyce squamicollis LeConte, 1856

Subtribu Rhizotrogina Burmeister, 1855

Lachnosterna debilis Horn, 1885
Phyllophaga (Chirodines) ome Morón, 1991
Phyllophaga (Chirodines) yei Morón, 1991
Phyllophaga (Chirodines) zunilensis Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) aegrota Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) aequata Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) aequata subsp. chiapensis Chapin, 1935
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) chiapensis (Chapin, 1935)
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) ciliatipes (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) etabatesiana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) halffteriana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) howdeniana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) instabilis Blackwelder, 1944
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) latipes (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) nosa Blackwelder, 1944
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) peccata Blackwelder, 1944
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) personata Chapin, 1935
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) pilositarsis Blackwelder, 1944
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) ratcliffeiana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) reyesiana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) rzedowskiana Aragón & Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) sandersoniana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) scabripyga (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) scarabripyga Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) tumulosa (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) tzintzontliana Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) unituberculata Bates, 1889
Phyllophaga (Chlaenobia) vexata Horn, 1885
Phyllophaga (Eugastra) cribrosa LeConte, 1853
Phyllophaga (Eugastra) epigea (Wickham, 1903)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) almada Saylor, 1941
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) arenicola Howden, 1961
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) babicora Morón, 2004
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) barrerana Aragón & Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) bueta Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) carminator (Horn, 1894)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) cavata (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) cristagalli (Arrow, 1933)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) cuicateca Morón & Aragón, 1997
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) culminata (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) cushmani Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) densicollis (LeConte, 1863)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) disparilis Bates, 1988
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) durango Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) eligia Sanderson, 1958
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) estacea Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) foralita (Saylor, 1938)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) gentryi (Saylor, 1936)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) granti Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) huachuca Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) juvenilis (Fall, 1932)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) laportei (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) macgregori Morón, 2004
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) maxima (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) meadei Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) michelbacheri Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) micros (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) mimicana (Saylor, 1938)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) miraflora Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) monstrosa Saylor, 1935
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) mucorea LeConte, 1856
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) nogueirana Morón, 2002
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) obliquestriata Saylor, 1938
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) oblongula Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) parilis Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) peninsularis Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) pilosipes Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) praesidii (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) riverana Morón, 2004
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) scoparia (LeConte, 1856)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) scuticeps (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) snowi Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) sonora Saylor, 1939
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) suriana Morón, 2002
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) terminalis (Saylor, 1935)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) timida (Horn, 1878)
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) trochanter Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) valia Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) venodiola Saylor, 1938
Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) yaqui Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) abdominalis Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) acapulca Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) angulicollis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) anomaloides (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) antennalis (Moser, 1921)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ardara Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) arribans Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) arrowi Blackwelder, 1944
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) atra (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) atrata (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) atratoides Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) babis Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) baroni (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) beckeri Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) blanchardi Arrow, 1933
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) brama Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) brevidens (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) caanchaki Morón, 1999
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) cahitana Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) calculiventris (Saylor, 1935)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) callosiventris (Moser, 1921)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) candelaria Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) canipolea Saylor, 1948
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) castaniella (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) catemacoana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) cazieriana Saylor, 1938
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) certanca Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) chamacayoca Morón, 1991
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) chamula Morón, 1999
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) chiapas Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) chimoxtila Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) chinanteca Morón & Nogueira, 1997
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) cholana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) cinnamomea (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) colima Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) colimana (Moser, 1921)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) collaris Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) comaltepecana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) compostela Robinson, 1948
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) contaminata Fall, 1932
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) crinalis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) crinipennis (Bates, 1889)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) crinita Burmeister, 1855
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) dasypoda (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) dentex (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) disca Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) divertens (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) dsaimana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) dulcis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) durangoana Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) durangosa Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) eniba Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) enkerliniana Deloya & Morón, 1988
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ephilida (Say, 1825)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) euryaspis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) flavidopilosa (Moser, 1921)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) foveicollis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) freeborni Saylor, 1937
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) fucata (Horn, 1887)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) fulviventris (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) galeanae Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) gaumeri (Bates, 1889)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ghentata (Saylor, 1937)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) gigantea (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ginigra Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) glabricula (LeConte, 1856)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) godmani (Bates, 1889)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) gravidula (Moser, 1921)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) guerrerocans (Saylor, 1938)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) haagi Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) heteronycha (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) heynei (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) hidalgoana Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) hintonella (Saylor, 1941)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) hirticollis Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) hirtifrons Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) hoegella Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) humboldtiana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ignava Horn, 1887
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ilhuicaminai Morón, 1998
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) inflativentris Moser, 1918
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) inflexa Barret, 1935
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) integra Say, 1835
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) integriceps Moser, 1918
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) isabellae Morón & Rivera, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) izucarana Morón & Aragón, 1997
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) javepacuana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) jovelana Morón & Cano, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) joyana Morón, Rivera & López-Vieyra, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) lenis Horn, 1887
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) macrophylla (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) maculicollis LeConte, 1863
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) magnicornis (Moser, 1921)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) manantleca Morón, Rivera & López-Vieyra, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) martiana Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) martinezpalaciosi Morón, 1988
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) matacapana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) menetriesi (Burmeister, 1855)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) mexicana (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) microcerus Arrow, 1933
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) microchaeta (Moser, 1924)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) microdon (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) misteca (Bates,1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) mitlana Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) moei (Saylor, 1938)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) molopia Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) multipora Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) necaxa Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) nigerrima (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) nisuens (Saylor, 1937)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ocozocuana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) onita Saylor, 1941
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) opaca (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pachuca Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pallidicornis Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) papaloana Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) parumpunctata Bates, 1889
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) parvisetis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) peninsulana (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) piceola Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pilidorsis Saylor, 1938
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) piliventris Moser, 1918
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pilosula Moser, 1918
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pilula Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) plairi Saylor, 1937
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) platti Saylor, 1935
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pokornyiana Morón, 1995
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) polyphylla Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) porodera (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pseudoatra Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pseudocarus Morón, 1999
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pubicauda (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) pubicollis (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) punctulicollis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) quadriphylla Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) quetzala Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) quetzaloides Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) quiana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ravida (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) regiomontana Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rolbakeri Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rorulenta (Burmeister, 1855)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rostripyga (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rubella (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rufithorax Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rugicollis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rugipennis (Schauffus, 1858)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) rugulosa (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) saylori Sanderson, 1965
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) sayloriana Morón, Rivera & López-Vieyra, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) schenklingi (Moser, 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) schizorhina Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) scissa (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) segregans (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) setidorsis Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) setifera Burmeister, 1855
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) setipennis Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) sinicollis Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) sinuaticeps Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) spinitarsis Moser, 1921
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) stipitalis Blanchard, 1850
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) sturmi Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) stzotzilana Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) submetallica Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) submucida (LeConte, 1856)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) subrugosa Moser, 1924
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tejupilcas Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) temascalis Saylor, 1941
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) temaxa Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) temora Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tenuipilis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) testaceipennis (Blanchard, 1850)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tojolabala Morón, 1999
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) torta LeConte, 1856
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) trichia (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tridens (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tridilonycha Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tsajumiana Morón, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) tuxtleca Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) ueiacayoca Morón, 1991
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) vazquezae Morón, 1995
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) verruciventris Moser, 1918
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) vetula Horn, 1887
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) xanthe Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) xkumuka Morón, 1999
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) yoloxana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) yucateca Bates, 1889
Phyllophaga (Phyllophaga) zaragozana Morón, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phyllophapha) leonilae Morón, 1995
Phyllophaga (Phyllophapha) leonina (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) ambigenus (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) batillifer (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) beameri Sanderson, 1958
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) benexonana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) bilobatata (Saylor, 1939)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) blanda Sanderson, 1958
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) bolacoides (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) bucephala (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) chlaenobiana (Saylor, 1936)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) ciudadensis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) cometes (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) crenonycha Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) dieteriana Deloya & Morón, 1998
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) diminuta Evans, 2003
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) dugesiana Morón, Rivera & López-Vieyra, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) emburyi (Saylor, 1938)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) epulara Sanderson, 1958
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) fissilabris (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) guatemala Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) hintoni (Saylor, 1935)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) hoegei Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) hoffmanitae Morón, 1996
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) hoogstraali Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) itsmica Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) jalisciensis Morón, Rivera & López-Vieyra, 2001
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) juquilana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) lineata (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) lineatoides Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) lulaana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) macrocera (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) mesophylla Morón & Rivera Cervantes, 1992
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) minutissima Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) nubipennis (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) oaxaca Saylor, 1940
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) obsoleta Blanchard, 1850
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) omiltemia Bates, 1889
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) pallida Horn, 1885
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) pameana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) pentaphylla Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) platyrhina (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) poculifer (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) pruinosa (Blanchard,1850)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) punctuliceps (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) rufotestacea (Moser 1918)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) rugithorax (Saylor, 1938)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) senicula (Bates, 1888)
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) sinaloana Saylor, 1935
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) soctona Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) solavegana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) straminea Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) tajimaroana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) tancitara Saylor, 1943
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) tejupana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) temascaltepeca Saylor, 1934
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) teosinteophaga Morón & Rivera, 1992
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) tlanchinolensis Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) trichodes Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) xanthocoma Bates, 1888
Phyllophaga (Phytalus) yaxbitana Morón, 2000
Phyllophaga (Tostegoptera) lanceolata Say, 1825
Phyllophaga (Triodonyx) gigantissima (Saylor, 1935)
Phyllophaga (Triodonyx) lalanza Saylor, 1941
Phyllophaga (Triodonyx) nogueirai Warner & Morón, 1992
Phyllophaga (Triodonyx) woodruffi Warner & Morón, 1992

Tribu Podolasiini Howden, 1997

Podolasia lavigni Howden 1997
Podolasia peninsularis Howden, 1954
Podolasia pilosa Howden, 1954
Podolasia rotundipenis Howden 1997
Podolasia saylori Howden, 1954
Podolasia varicolor Saylor, 1948
Podostena litoralis Howden 1997
Podostena sleeperi Howden 1997

Tribu Sericini Kirby, 1837
Subtribu Sericina Kirby, 1837

Serica alternata LeConte, 1856
Serica craighead Saylor, 1939
Serica ensenada Saylor, 1948
Serica fimbriata LeConte 1856
Serica michelbacheri Saylor, 1948
Serica perigonia Dawson, 1920
Serica perigonia subsp. eremicola Dawson, 1967
Serica pilifera Horn, 1894
Serica rossi Saylor, 1948
Serica sculptilis Dawson, 1922
Serica serensia Saylor, 1948

Tribu "Pachydemini Reitter, 1901"

Phobetus chearyi Hardy, 1973
Phobetus desertus Blom & Clark, 1984
Phobetus sleeperi Hardy, 1978

Página creada: enero 2014
Página modificada: 7-02-2014 21:10


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