Tribu Calochromini Lacordaire, 1857
Macrolygistopterus amabilis (Gorham, 1880)
Macrolygistopterus nobilis (Gorham, 1880)
Tribu Calopterini Green, 1949
Subtribu Acroleptina Bocakova, 2005
Cyrtopteron difficile (Gorham, 1880).
Mesopteron bifurcatum (Gorham, 1884).
Mesopteron lineare tenue (Gorham, 1884).
Mesopteron obliquum (Say, 1835).
Mesopteron pennatum Bourgeois, 1879.
Mesopteron sp.
Subtribu Calopterina Green, 1949
Caenia sinuata Kirsch, 1865.
Calopteron affine Lucas, 1857.
Calopteron belti Gorham, 1880.
Calopteron bifasciatum Gorham, 1880.
Calopteron corrugatum Candeze, 1861.
Calopteron divergens Gorham, 1880.
Calopteron juvenile Bourgeois, 1879.
Calopteron palpale Kirsch, 1865.
Calopteron posticum Kirsch, 1870.
Calopteron reticulatum (Fabricius, 1775).
Calopteron serratum (Linnaeus, 1758)
Calopteron terminale Gorham, 1880.
Calopteron sp.
Metapteron socium (Kirsch, 1865).
Tribu Eurrhacini Bocakova, 2005
Calodadon oculatum Gorham, 1881.
Calodadon pectinicorne Gorham, 1881.
Calodadon testaceum Gorham, 1881.
Linoptes imbrex Gorham, 1884.
Tribu Lycini Laporte, 1836
Lycus sommeri Gorham, 1880.
Lycus sordidus (Gorham, 1880).
Tribu Platerodini Kleine, 1929
Plateros evanidus Gorham, 1880.
Plateros germari Blackwelder, 1946.
Plateros luridus Gorham, 1880. Plateros nicaraguensis Gorham, 1880.
Plateros ochraceus Gorham, 1880.
Plateros parallelus Gorham, 1880.
Plateros terminalis Gorham, 1880.
Plateros thoracicus Gorham, 1880.
Plateros sp.
Teroplas fuscula (Gorham, 1881).
Página creada: 13 junio 2010; 22:39 |
Página modificada: 3 mayo 2013; 9:31 |
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Leschen, R. A. B.; Beutel, R. G. and Lawrence, J. F. (Editors); Slipinski, A. (Associate editor). 2009. Handbook of zoology. Coleoptera, Beetles, vol. 2: Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim).
Nascimento, E. A. do. 2013. The current status of knowledge on Lycidae Laporte,
1836 from Brazil (Insecta: Coleoptera). Check List 9(2): 323–328.
Jean-Michel Maes