(por paises/by countries)

(por familias/by families)

sensu Bouchard et all., 2011

Juan Enrique Barriga - Tuñón
sitio inagurado 13 noviembre 2009
Larry Bezark LarryBezark@netscape.com www.A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World  

Lamiinae: Colobotheini

especies presentes en Brasil de la familia Cerambycidae: Lamiinae
(Cerambycidae: Lamiinae species from Brasil)

según: Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark 2012

Imágenes: Larry Bezark:
A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World


Lamiinae Latreille, 1825:401

Tribu Colobotheini Thomson, 1860:18
 Colobothea lateralis
Colobothea lateralis

Carneades glaucothea Bates 1872 (AM)
Carneades vittata Gahan 1889 (AM)
Carterica buquetii Thomson 1860
Carterica cincticornis Bates 1865 (AM)
Carterica mucronata (Olivier) 1795 (AM)
Cathexis longimana (Pascoe) 1859 (MG-RJ)
Cathexis vitticollis Zajciw 1967 (ES)
Colobothea amoena Gahan 1889 (BA, ES)
Colobothea appendiculata Aurivillius 1902 (AM)
Colobothea biguttata Bates 1865 (ES-RS)
Colobothea bilineata Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea bisignata Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea brullei Gahan 1889 (AM, GO, MT)
Colobothea carneola Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea cassandra (Dalman) 1823 (BA-RS)
Colobothea centralis Monné 1993 (GO)
Colobothea crassa Bates 1865 (AM, PA)
Colobothea decemmaculata Bates 1865 (AM, PA)
Colobothea denotata Monne 2005 (AM)
Colobothea destituta Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea discicollis Gahan 1889 (BA-SP)
Colobothea elongata Gahan 1889 (AP, AM)
Colobothea emarginata (Olivier) 1795 (BA-RS)
Colobothea eximia Aurivillius 1902 (AP, AM)
Colobothea fasciata Bates 1865 (seBrasil)
Colobothea flavimacula (Voet) 1806 ¿?
Colobothea flavoguttata Aurivillius 1902 (BA, ES)
Colobothea flavomaculata Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea forcipata Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea geminata Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea grallatrix Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea grisescens Zajciw 1962 (ES)
Colobothea guttulata Aurivillius 1902 (AM)
Colobothea hirtipes (Degeer) 1775 (AM)
Colobothea humerosa Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea juncea Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea lateralis Bates 1865 (MG-RS)
Colobothea lucaria Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea lunulata Lucas 1859 (AM)
Colobothea macularis (Olivier) 1792 (AM)
Colobothea musiva (Germar) 1824 (seBrasil)
Colobothea naevia Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea naevigera Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea nigromaculata Zajciw 1971 (AP)
Colobothea obtusa Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea olivencia Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea ordinata Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea paulina Bates 1865 (AM, PA)
Colobothea pictilis Bates 1865 (AP, PA)
Colobothea pimplaea Bates 1865 (AM, PA)
Colobothea poecila (Germar) 1824
Colobothea propinqua Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea pulchella Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea pura Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea roppai Monné 1993 (MT, GO)
Colobothea rubroornata Zajciw 1962
Colobothea sahlbergi Aurivillius 1902 (ES-RJ)
Colobothea schmidti Bates 1865 (RJ-RS)
Colobothea securifera Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea sejuncta Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea seminalis Bates 1865 (PA)
Colobothea septemmaculata Zajciw 1971 (AP)
Colobothea seriatomaculata Zajciw 1962 (seBrasil)
Colobothea sexagglomerata Zajciw 1962 (ES)
Colobothea sexmaculata Aurivillius 1902 (BA)
Colobothea signatipennis Lameere 1884 (ES-SP)
Colobothea signativentris Gahan 1889 (BA-RJ)
Colobothea simillima Aurivillius 1902 (seBrasil)
Colobothea socia Gahan 1889 (BA-RJ)
Colobothea sordida Aurivillius 1902 (AM)
Colobothea strigosa Bates 1865 (ES-PR)
Colobothea styligera Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea subcincta Laporte 1840 (MG-SC)
Colobothea subtessellata Bates 1865(PA)
Colobothea varica Bates 1865 (AM)
Colobothea viehmanni Monné & Martins 1979 (PA, RO, MT)
Hilobothea caracensis Monné & Martins 1979 (MG, ES)
Hilobothea latevittata (Bates) 1865 (AM)
Priscilla hypsiomoides Thomson 1864 (¿? nSAmer)
Sangaris albida Monné 1993 (BA)
Sangaris concinna Dalman 1823 (BA-SP)
Sangaris condei Melzer 1931 (ES)
Sangaris duplex (Bates) 1881 (seBrasil)
Sangaris inornata Monné 1993 (AM)
Sangaris invida Melzer 1932 (RJ)
Sangaris luctuosa (Pascoe) 1859 (AM, PA, RO, MT)
Sangaris obtusicarinata (Zajciw) 1962 (RJ)
Sangaris octomaculata Aurivillius 1902 (BA-SP)
Sangaris optata (Pascoe) 1866
Sangaris seabrai Zajciw 1962 (RJ)
Sangaris trifasciata Melzer 1928 (MG, PR, SC, SP)
Sangaris viridipennis Melzer 1931 (RJ-SC)
Sangaris zikani Melzer 1931 (MG, SP)
Sparna platyptera Bates 1881 (MG-PR)

Página creada: 14 agosto 2012 15:58
Página modificada: 30-08-2020 18:12


Bezark, Larry. A Photographic Catalog of the Cerambycidae of the New World. http://plant.cdfa.ca.gov/byciddb/default_wImage.asp

Blackwelder, R.E., 1946; Checklist of the coleopterous insects of México, Central America, The West Indies, and South America. U.S. National Museum Bulletin, 185 (4):551-627

Bouchard, Patrice; Yves Bousquet; Anthony E. Davies; Miguel A. Alonso-Zarazaga; John F. Lawrence; Chris H. C. Lyal; Alfred F. Newton; Chris A. M. Reid; Michael Schmitt; S. Adam Ślipiński; Andrew B. T. Smith. 2011. Family-group names in Coleoptera (Insecta).ZooKeys 88: 1–972 (april, 2011)

Lawrence, J. F. and A. F. Newton, Jr. 1995. Families and subfamilies of Coleoptera (with selected genera, notes, references and data on family-group names). pp. 779-1006 in: J. Pakaluk and S.A. Slipinski (eds.): Biology, Phylogeny, and Classification of Coleoptera: Papers Celebrating the 80th Birthday of Roy A. Crowson. Museum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, Warszawa.

Leschen, R. A. B.; Beutel, R. G. and Lawrence, J. F. (Editors); Slipinski, A. (Associate editor). 2009. Handbook of zoology. Coleoptera, Beetles, vol. 2: Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim).

Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark, Compilers. 2012. Checklist of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (updated through 31 December 2011) (2.0 MB pdf)

Monné, Miguel A. and Larry G. Bezark, Compilers. 2013. Checklist of the Cerambycidae of the Western Hemisphere (updated through 31 December 2012)

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